3 Reasons Why You Should Not DIY A Tree Removal

Want to improve your home's curbside appeal? Learn different ways to implement trees and what professional tree services can do to help in this blog.

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Improving Curb Side Appeal

Your home is where you should feel proud and happy to welcome others to the most important space in your life. There are many ways mature trees add to curbside appeal, from providing shade to looking majestic and adding to the feel of permanence. Well-tended, mature trees add value to your home, and using a professional tree service will keep your trees looking their best. A good tree service will know how to trim large trees safely, while keeping their shape attractive without damaging their health and growth. Untended trees look messy, and the risk of branches falling during a storm or high winds increases with the age of your trees and the length of time they’ve gone without proper care. Learn different ways to tend to your trees and what professional tree services can do to help in this blog.


3 Reasons Why You Should Not DIY A Tree Removal

6 July 2022
, Blog

Property owners spend a lot of time assessing their environment and determining whether all sections of the yard appear as they should. Trees are a crucial part of the landscape. However, sometimes you might notice that one is unsuitable where it sits for various reasons. It might be because it is sick or dead. You might feel tempted to remove the tree without a professional after watching a few instructional videos circulating online. However, removing a tree is highly dangerous, and you should be highly cautious. Here are reasons why you should never try to remove a tree without professional help. 

You Have Little Control Over Where the Tree Falls

When cutting down a tree, you should consider the possibility of being wrong about the path it will follow on its way down. Miscalculating the fall path can have devastating outcomes for your family members, house, car, and even neighboring property. You could also suffer injuries if you do not have planned escape routes. Professional tree removers are more experienced in mapping out and controlling the fall path of a tree. Besides, it will be easier to get compensation from the insurance company when the accident happens during professional removal than when you manage it alone. 

You Might Have to Deal with Unstable Decayed Wood and Debris

Most people also do not realize that a lot can come from a falling tree during the cutting process. Some trees might have unstable and decayed branches, which might break off when the tree starts getting vibrations from the power saw. The tree might also seem stable outside but could be decaying inside. This structural weakness makes it hard to control how the tree falls. A professional knows how to assess a tree and find out all the structural issues it might have. They will then plan the feeling process after considering all the possible risks. 

You Might Not Know How to Handle Tools

The power equipment the professionals use to cut trees takes a lot of practice to learn correct usage. Knowing how to hold a power saw does not mean you understand the amount of force to apply and the direction of the force to guide the tree's fall path. Besides, it is possible to hurt yourself if you mishandle the tools.

These are some reasons why you should never try to remove a tree without professional help. Speak to a tree removal professional about your tree cutting projects for more information.